CIM Distinguished Lecturers
2011CIM Fellowship
Joe Ringwald is a mining and mineral process engineer with over 25 years of mining and construction experience, including senior management positions in exploration, development and consulting companies. His career has taken him to five continents to work on underground and surface projects of various commodities including base and precious metals, uranium, coal, industrial minerals and diamonds.
He has served as a member of the CIM Council, has co-chaired two international mining conferences focused on sustainable development, is on the executive committee of the CSR Centre for Excellence and is a director of Transparency International Canada. He is also a member of the Canadian Securities Administrators’ Mining Technical Advisory and Monitoring Committee (MTAMC), the CIM Standing Committee on Reserve Definitions and the Standards Council of Canada’s mirror committee for anti-bribery.
Distinguished Lecturer 2014-15
Lecture Abstract
The Inevitability of “CSR” . . . ?
The presentation reviews Corporate Social Responsibility from origins to application and possible futures. What is CSR and where did it come from? Is it a fad or is it the new paradigm? How do we separate chaff from substance? What are the risks and rewards of adopting or ignoring CSR? The session will explore these questions from the perspective of a mining industry practitioner involved in the development and application of CSR principles. CSR in quotes so that I can speak to and/or introduce many aspects of CSR that are currently relevant and making news. Some people may not connect such events to CSR (i.e., the revenue transparency initiative before the government of Canada and the recent changes to the CFPOA including trans-national impact). I also add the question mark after some periods so that I can speak to whether or not CSR is indeed inevitable in its current understanding or perhaps in some future evolution of it. An abridged version of the seminar presented at the “9th Risk Mitigation and CSR Seminar. This presentation is a 20-minute summary of the 2-hour seminar that was presented to the Vancouver branch of the CIM Mineral Economics Society in January 2013.