Excellence in Sustainable Development Award
2009CIM Fellowship
Michael Sudbury is a long-time member and Fellow of CIM and recipient of the Teck Environmental Award. He joined Falconbridge Nickel Mines Ltd. in 1952 and for 25 years was involved in a wide variety of development projects related to milling, concentration, smelting, refining and pyrrhotite processing. Starting in 1977 he helped to build a successful custom feed business with Falconbridge International Limited over a ten year period with emphasis on cobalt. In 1988 he was appointed Director of Environmental Affairs for Falconbridge Limited to promote improved Environmental and Sustainable Development performance throughout the organization. He was also actively involved with the MAC, OMA and NRCan. For ten years following nominal retirement in 1996 he explored the properties and potential uses for tailings and smelter slag and evaluated the application of ecological engineering techniques to mine effluents. He has authored or co-authored some 20 technical papers.>