CIM Council


CIM Council

CIM is governed by a Council that meets quarterly. Members of Council are responsible for representing the well-being and sustainability of both their respective constituents as well as the CIM organization as a whole.

2024-2025 CIM Council Members

Ian Pearce



With more than 35 years of experience as a leader and innovator within the mining industry, Ian Pearce has a deep understanding of the challenges faced by the mining sector. He has held senior engineering and project management roles at Fluor Inc. and executive roles at Falconbridge Limited and Xstrata Nickel. He currently serves as Chair of the Board at MineSense Technologies Ltd., Chair of the Board at Lilac Solutions, and Non-Executive Director at Metso Outotec, Northland Power Inc and NextSource Materials Inc. He is a Senior Advisor at KoBold Metals and Electrasteel. ​

His interests go well beyond the mining industry. He is an active supporter of several non-profit organizations, including the Canadian Cancer Society, Engineers Without Borders Canada, the Trans Canada Trail, the Canadian Museum of Nature and Eva’s Initiative in Toronto.

His unique perspective and experience will strengthen the work CIM does to connect and support the entire mining community.

Candace MacGibbon



John Rhind

Incoming President-Elect


Michael Cinnamond

Immediate Past President

Governance Committee Chair


Audit and Risk Committee Chair

Eric Talbot


Director at large

Garth Kirkham

Kirkham Geosystems

Director at large

Johnna Muinonen

Dumont Nickel

District Vice-Presidents

Eastern District, Second Year

Craig Hudson

Santa Barbara Gold

Eastern District, First Year

Jeff Cassoff


Central District, Second Year

Trang Tran-Valade


Central District, First Year

Mary Murray


Western District, Second Year

Philippe Lepage


Western District, First Year

Yvonne DeBoer

DRA Global

Society Chairs

Canadian Mineral Processors Society

Stefanie Vo


Environmental and Social Responsibility Society

Julie Champagne


Geological Society

Garth Kirkahm

Kirkham Geosystems

Health and Safety Society

Samantha Espley


Maintenance, Engineering and Reliability Society

Martin Provencher


Metallurgy and Materials Society

Roki Fukuzawa


Management & Economics Society

Jacqueline Allison

Canstar Resources

Mining Society of Nova Scotia

Morgan Schauerte


Rock Engineering Society

Dr. Kamran Esmaeli

University of Toronto

Surface Mining Society

Brad Strueby


Underground Mining Society

Ali Madiseh

University of British Columbia

CIM Committees