

Association Partners

The Global Mineral Professional Alliance


CIM is very proud to be one of the founding partners of the Global Mineral Professional Alliance (GMPA) – a collaboration between leading professional organizations for minerals around the world. The business of minerals development is increasingly global and the need to cooperate has never been greater.

The GMPA strives to foster the exchange of knowledge and technology, promote technical and professional excellence across the minerals industries, provide programs for education and professional development, and facilitate opportunities for knowledge sharing, business networking, fellowship and public information.

The member institutes take a leadership role in the pursuit and continuing development of best practice professionalism in the minerals industries. Areas of focus include science, engineering, mineral processing, environmental stewardship, community engagement, and mineral economics and finance.

In addition to CIM, the member institutes are:

The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM)  

The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3)

Instituto de Ingenieros de Minas de Chile (IIMCh)

Instituto de Ingenieros de Minas del Perú (IIMP) 

The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM) 

Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME) 

West African Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (WAIMM)

Conferences and other professional development opportunities

Each of the member institutes offer a range of events and/or professional development opportunities which can be viewed by visiting the following links.








GMPA’s Memorandum of Understanding and membership

The GMPA operates under a Memorandum of Understanding. An initial MoU was signed in Brisbane, Australia in 2013, and can be viewed here. The MoU is kept under regular review and will be updated to reflect continuing developments in GMPA activities and membership.

As the GMPA develops, it is envisaged that further professional institutes may be welcomed into the partnership. The membership of GMPA is a matter that will be determined by the current members. GMPA members are required to:

  • Work together to identify and deliver collaborative projects that are of mutual benefit.
  • Share knowledge and resources regarding effective ways to support the professional development of institute members.
  • Be a partner of – or commit to joining – the OneMine global mining database.

Candidates for membership of GMPA will generally be the principal organisation representing mining professionals of its nation (or multi-nation region), will typically comprise members who practise, represent, and promote the multiple technical disciplines inherent in mining activities, have “not-for-profit” status, and must have an enforceable Code of Ethics. In limited circumstances it may be appropriate for two organizations from a nation or multi-national region to join the GMPA where no single organisation represents the breadth of minerals professions and where the two organizations complement (rather than compete with) each other.

The Canadian Mining Hall of Fame



Mining is a global industry and Canada is its leader. Our capital markets facilitate the majority of all mining equity raised globally. Our producers set the global benchmark for sustainable and responsible mining. Our exploration projects attract a significant amount of total global exploration spending. And Canada is endowed with the raw materials fueling the green, high tech and urban 21st century economy.

The Canadian Mining Hall of Fame was established in 1989 and has become an enduring source of information that shares the significant contributions of individuals who shaped Canada’s global mining industry.

We are proud to recognize and celebrate individuals who have helped build our mining industry into the global leader it is today and aim to inspire future generations in mining.

The International Council on Minerals and Metals

The Inernational Council on Minerals and Metals


ICMM stands for mining with principles. They bring together a third of the global metals and mining industry, along with key partners to drive leadership, action and innovation for sustainable development, ultimately delivering a positive contribution to society. Through collaboration, ICMM member companies set the standard for responsibly produced minerals and metals in a safe, just and sustainable world.