CIM Indigenous Partnership Award


CIM Indigenous Partnership Award

For significant, ongoing contribution to the advancement of Indigenous reconciliation in the mining sector

Origins & Conditions


In 2021 the CIM Awards committee identified a need for an award to recognize excellence in the field of Indigenous collaboration and economic development in natural resources extraction. They approached the CIM DIAC committee to support the development of the criteria for this award.

The CIM Indigenous Partnership Award celebrates people working together to deliver an Initiative, Program or Agreement that demonstrates significant, ongoing contribution to the advancement of Indigenous reconciliation in the mining sector. This award serves to honour exceptional, sustainable collaborations with and within Indigenous communities.

This award shall be made jointly to an Indigenous community / business and a resources company for an Initiative, Program, or Agreement in the mining industry that meets one or more of the following criteria: 

  1. Innovative approaches to meaningful consultation and building respectful relationships between the mining industry and Indigenous communities.
  2. Self-sustaining investment, or economic partnerships that enhance the economic, social, cultural, educational or health aspects of an Indigenous community.
  3. Demonstrated collaboration between a mining company, Indigenous community, and government with a commitment to working towards obtaining free, prior and informed consent for economic development projects involving Indigenous Peoples and their lands.
  4. Established education, mentorship, or training opportunities to attract and sustain Indigenous employment in the mining industry.
  5. Procurement programs that support the growth of Indigenous led entrepreneurship and business development participation in the mining supply-chain.
  6. Unique methods to accelerate returning land use, reclamation, or local climate resilience and to create opportunities for intergenerational knowledge transfer and land-based education.

Nomination Process

The award may be presented from time to time as nominations warrant, but normally, not more than one award may be made in any given calendar year. Nominators and nominees do not have to be CIM National Members.

Nominations will include the following:

  1. A brief written summary of the nominated Initiative, Program or Agreement and how it meets the criteria of the award.
  2. List of companies’, communities’ and individuals’ names involved in the nominated Initiative, Program or Agreement.
  3. Two additional accounts of support. These can be written, or video/verbal recordings. One of the accounts of support is required to be from an Indigenous community or Indigenous business, unless the nomination is by an Indigenous community or business.
  4. One appendix of publicly available information that provides evidence of claims made in the nomination and support accounts (e.g. community newsletter, corporate sustainability reports, press releases).

Evaluation Criteria

Nominations are recommended to evaluated based on the following:

  1. Confirmation that the impacted Indigenous community supports the nomination.
  2. Evidence of collaboration in the development of the initiative/ program (rather than consultation).
  3. Demonstration of the commitment to long-term sustainment of the initiative/program.
  4. Transferability of the initiative/program – potential for reproduction/ implementation in multiple locations.
  5. Scalability of the initiative/program – potential for expansion to the national or international scale.

Additional Recommendations

An additional suggestion that came out of the development of this award is to engage with the CIM Foundation regarding the potential to support the nomination process for this award. Several of this award’s criteria are related to the purpose of the CIM Foundation including improvement the contributionof the mineral industry to the progress and well being of Canada, and support for initiatives that build awareness of the industry’s dedication to the environment and innovation. The CIM Foundation may be an option for financial support for a community interested in pursuing a nomination for this award, but without adequate resources.



Cowessess First Nation and Morris Interactive

In 2021, the first iteration of the Digital Transformation in Potash Mining (DTiPM) program was launched by Morris Interactive in partnership with Cowessess First Nation and The Mosaic Company - delivered on Cowessess First Nation. The Indigenous pre-employment program, specific to potash mining, is targeted towards First Nations, Métis and Inuit individuals who are interested in the lucrative careers mining provides. The 10-week program combines an eight-week in-class learning portion with a two-week practicum at a Mosaic potash mine site. The program is the product of a collaboration that includes a significant number of Indigenous communities, tribal councils and organizations, Cowessess First Nation, The Mosaic Company, mining supply chain companies, International Minerals Innovation Institute and Morris Interactive. The innovative approach to the program and sponsorship model allows students to connect with mining employers during the program, network and align passions, and increase career opportunities in the making. 

The program has delivered five successful cohorts since its inception, with a significant number of graduates joining both the Mosaic Company and the supply chain organizations that support the program. Cowessess First Nation continues to welcome the program into the community as a place for life-changing opportunities for the students.


Morris Interactive