CIM understands that graduating is just the first step on the way to a robust career, so we offer young professionals the opportunity to enjoy all the benefits of an Individual Membership at a fraction of the cost for up to four years after graduation from a recognized institution.
- CIM Academy: Online Learning Platform
- CIM Mentorship Program
- Professional development opportunities
- Access to CIM Membership Directory
- CIM Magazine
- Access to OneMine, the online global mining and minerals library
- CIM Journal (quarterly e-journal)
- Society registration savings
- CIM CONNECT registration savings
- Special prices on books
One-year membership $85

How can I get involved as a CIM Recent Grad Member?
- Join any of our eleven technical Societies
- Serve as a CIM Society or Branch executive
- Participate in CIM committee activities
- Have voting rights
- Submit abstracts for CIM Journal and for CIM events