23 December 2024
2024 was a dynamic year for CIM's student members!
We were thrilled to welcome Neal Young to the CIM National team as our dedicated Student Engagement Specialist. Neal has been actively connecting with students across Canadian throughout the fall semester. CIM's student members were busy this fall semester attending conferences, preparing for the Canadian Mining Games, and meeting with their local CIM Branches.

CIM had the pleasure of engaging with students at the ICARD 2024 conference in Halifax in September.

A group from University of Ottawa, led by Mustapha Mahmud, represented CIM at the Civil Engineering student group showcase. This valuable experience facilitated networking opportunities, fostered the establishment of a student chapter at University of Ottawa, and effectively communicated the benefits of CIM membership.

Vancouver Student Night

Sudbury Student Night
CIM Sudbury and Vancouver branches hosted Student Industry Nights on November 14th. These events provided a platform for students to connect with peers, industry professionals, and branch members through engaging presentations, interactive games, and award ceremonies. We look forward to our Student Industry Nights every year!
The CIM Vancouver Branch Student Industry Night also celebrated the winners of their annual photo contest. Congratulations to:
Book Prize Winners: Patrik Chomist and Kate Viger (BCIT Mining); Marissa Pimentel and Marcus Capaz (SFU Earth Sciences); Dylan (John) McIntosh, Rhea Dayal, and Daniel Zhang (UBC Mining); Raymond Zhang and Chloe Stanford (UBC Materials Engineering); Liva Hougaard and Oliver Coté (UBC Earth and Ocean Sciences and GeoRox).
Graduate Student Scholarship Winners: Andrea Sanlorenzo (UBC Earth and Ocean Sciences), Devin Cowan (UBC Geophysics), and Vahid Kamraninejad (UBC Materials Engineering).

Turnbull Cup Winner: Patrik Chomist from BCIT for his captivating photo "Schöpfer (The Maker) mine Slovakia, Hodruša-Hámre Pillar in a stope from a mine dating back to the 18th century."

First Runner-Up: Ethan Shroud from UBC for his photo "Fording River Operations BC, Canada The Beginning of Winter at Fording River." (left)
Second Runner-Up: Lehman Ramita from UBC for the photo "The Night Shift in Full Light, Blackwater Mine, BC."

In October, Neal had the opportunity to engage with students at the University of Waterloo during their Mining Industry Information Session and Job Fair. This event, which also featured Marla Tremblay from MineConnect, explored opportunities within the mining industry and facilitated connections with potential employers.