Mel W. Bartley Outstanding Branch Award
2016Mel W. Bartley Outstanding Branch Award
There is perhaps no CIM branch with a stronger tradition and presence in mining and the minerals industries than the CIM Sudbury Branch. The very history of the city is rooted in the mining industry. Approximately 60 percent of all underground hard rock mining in Canada takes place within a 300-mile radius of Sudbury. Thanks to the large volume of mining in the region, mining companies such as Vale and Sudbury Integrated Nickel Operations, A Glencore Company (Sudbury INO), and suppliers such as Komatsu and Sandvik, enjoy a healthy presence in the area.
The CIM Sudbury Branch exists to provide networking, education, and fellowship for our members as well as support our local educational institutions and mining organizations. Our annual donations are made for the betterment of students and to promote public awareness of the mining and minerals industries.
It must be said though, that people are the branch’s greatest strength. At a time when many people find it difficult to meet all the demands of family and career, the Sudbury Branch benefits from the efforts of individuals willing to dedicate the time to maintaining the high standards required by the members. 16 professionals from the mining industry and one post-secondary level student work tirelessly to achieve all aspects of the branch’s mandate.
CIM Sudbury Branch 2016
CIM Sudbury strengthens industry through presentations, networking activities, mentorship, and supporting future generations of mining professionals.
The CIM Sudbury Branch reflects the vitality of the local mining industry, enjoying a large membership, an impressive technical program, and a full social calendar.