Medal for Meritorious Contributions to Mining
2007CIM Fellowship
Mackenzie Watson was born in Howick, Quebec, and graduated with a B.Sc. in geology from the University of New Brunswick in l959. He has 50 years of experience in the Canadian exploration, development and mining industry and has been involved in the discovery of numerous mineral deposits throughout the country.
Watson spent his career in the junior mining sector, as CEO of Lynx Canada Exploration Limited from l969-1985, CEO of Freewest Resources Inc. from l985-l994, and CEO of Freewest Resources Canada Inc. from 1994 until 2010.
Watson was awarded Canada's Prospector of the Year award in l99l for his involvement in the discovery of the Holloway Gold Mine (Ontario), the Icon-Sullivan copper mine (Chibougamau, Quebec) the Long Lake zinc mine (Ontario), The Ellison gold deposit and the Hebecourt copper deposit (Quebec). In l992, he was also awarded the Quebec Prospector of the Year award for the discovery of the Pusticamica and Verneuil gold deposits in Quebec.
Watson was a co-recipient of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) Bill Dennis Award, for a Canadian discovery or prospecting success, for his contribution (with others) to the mineral discoveries in the Ring of Fire area of Northern Ontario.