In recognition of an excellent paper entitled "The Gold-rich Louvicourt volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit, New-Brunswick: A Kuroko analogue in the Bathurst Mining Camp.”
(Biography from 2008) Sean McClenaghan is a graduate of the University of New Brunswick (B.Sc.) and University of Ottawa (M.Sc.). As an exploration geochemist, he has been researching mineral deposits and volcanic systems for over 10 years. He began his career in the Bathurst Camp with the New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, followed by involvement with the Geological Survey of Canada through the Extech II project. In addition to research in New Brunswick, he is involved with projects in Manitoba, Newfoundland and Morocco.
McClenaghan is a member of GAC, PDAC and CIM, and has organized several field trips and workshops through CIM and SEG. He is currently a student at the University of New Brunswick, where he is in the final stages of his PhD studies.