William Taciuk


William Taciuk


CIM Fellowship


CANMET Technology Transfer Award (no longer awarded)

William Taciuk retired in 2018 after an extensive career spanning 64 years covering applied research, construction, process development, plant startup, technical management, operational management and invention of a thermal process for recovery of a thermally cracked light oil from oil sands and oil shales.

In 1990 he received the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) Centennial Award for his inventiveness and in 1993 he received the Karl A Clark Distinguished Service Award for his contribution to oil sands and oil shales development. In 1996 he received the CANMET Technology Transfer Award for outstanding contribution for the benefit of the Canadian Fossil Fuels Industry. 

Taciuk graduated in 1954 from the University of Alberta with a BSc in Electrical Engineering. He joined CIM in 1964 and is now a Life Member. During his many years of association with CIM he has enjoyed the technical activities and has relied on the very comprehensive articles in CIM Magazine to keep abreast with developments in the mining industry. He is also a lifetime member of APEGA.