Do you have an idea for a webinar that would be appropriate for educating the CIM membership community and the broader mining industry? If so, we invite you to contribute a webinar proposal and collaborate with us to deliver high quality education and training through our CIM Knowledge Exchange webinar series.
We welcome proposals at all levels of sophistication (introductory, intermediate and advanced) on any topic listed below:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Health & Safety
- Innovation & Technology
- Management & Economics
- Metallurgy
- Mineral Processing
- Mining Operations
- People & Communities
- Rock Mechanics
- Sustainability & Environment
- Exploration & Geology
Proposed content topics must be vendor-neutral and educational in nature, designed to contribute to the general knowledge base of the mining industry. No proprietary or confidential information should be included in your presentation.
Webinars are presented live and recorded and, with the presenter’s consent, posted on our online learning platform CIM Academy for on-demand consultation.
Most of our webinars have a running time of either 30 or 60 minutes and involve one to two speakers.
On occasion, we also host webinars that are 90 minutes long and feature 3-5 presenters representing perspectives of different institutions and/or backgrounds and cover complementary aspects of a given topic.
We are accepting proposals for all types of format/duration.
- 30-minute webinars: Your estimated presentation time is around 20 minutes with the remaining time spent on introductions and Q&A.
- 60-minute webinar: Your estimated presentation time is around 40 minutes with the remaining time spent on introductions and Q&A.
- If you would like to co-present with two or more other speakers (90-minute webinar): The estimated total presentation time is between 60 and 75 minutes with the remaining time spent on introductions and Q&A. Please submit a proposal for a topic that all presenters can adequately and comfortably cover in this amount of time, and indicate all presenters’ names in the proposal, if applicable.
Please note: CIM is committed to representing diverse viewpoints. One way we honour this commitment is by through pairing webinar presenters from different backgrounds and/or organizational affiliations. As such, we encourage you to identify co-presenters from different backgrounds and/or organizational affiliations. In some cases, we may suggest combining multiple proposals on a similar topic into a single 90-minute webinar.
When do webinars take place?
CIM webinars are typically presented once a month on a Thursday, at 2 pm Eastern, 1 pm Central, Noon Mountain and 11 am Pacific time. They are recorded and, with the presenter’s consent, posted on CIM Academy—our on-demand, online learning platform.
Evaluation Process
CIM cannot guarantee that you or your topic will be chosen for a webinar. Knowledge Exchange webinars are an opportunity to educate key professionals within the mining community and are not vehicles for promotion.
Each speaker must agree to the Guidelines for Webinar Speakers (see below). Once submitted, your webinar application will be reviewed by the CIM’s Professional Development Committee for consideration. Proposal applications that fail to meet all guidelines or are incomplete will not be considered for review.
Submissions will be evaluated to ultimately develop a high-quality webinar based on the following criteria:
- Clarity, depth and specificity of proposal;
- Timeliness and relevance of subject matter;
- Qualifications, expertise and experience level of presenter(s).
Speakers will be notified of CIM's decision regarding their proposals. CIM may elect to adjust your proposal and may combine individual speakers from multiple proposals into a single panel if the topic warrants the approach.
Presenter Responsibilities
If your proposal is selected, each presenter will be expected to:
- Provide a biography and head shot to be used for promotional purposes.
- Develop a compelling slide presentation to be used for the visual component of the webinar.
- Participate in at least one rehearsal to familiarize themselves with the technology we’ll be using and coordinate with other presenters.
- Promote the webinar to their networks.
- Presenters are encouraged to identify back-up presenters should an emergency occur on the scheduled webinar date and time.
CIM’s Role
- Provide the technology and infrastructure to advertise the webinar, handle webinar registration, payment and production.
- Promote the webinar to its network. Track webinar registrations and provide participants with all the information necessary to access the webinar.
- Technical Support: CIM uses GoToWebinar to host its webinars. CIM staff will handle all technical aspects of the webinar including training the presenters and monitoring/assisting with the entire live webinar presentation to assure the highest quality webinar.
- Moderate the webinar. This includes formally introducing the presenters and facilitating any Q&A and/or live polling.
Guidelines for Webinar Speakers
CIM does not provide an honorarium or reimburse expenses for Webinar presenters. Questions regarding this policy may be directed to the Professional Development Officer. This is your opportunity to present in front of a target audience at no cost to you. If your aim is to promote a company, service or product, CIM Magazine’s Solutions Exchange webinar would be the appropriate venue. (Contact for more information.)
The ideal CIM webinar speaker is:
- Experienced and comfortable speaking about content area and presenting to an audience;
- Enthusiastic about sharing expertise and knowledge with CIM members, non-members and students;
- Open to partner with us to deliver the most up-to-date information about complex topics;
- Willing to help spread the word about the webinar.
We know that the success of CIM's Knowledge Exchange webinars is largely due to the interest and willingness of presenters like you. We are pleased that you are interested in submitting a webinar proposal for consideration. We have developed guidelines for presenters to ensure that participants receive maximum benefit.
- Webinar presentations are given voluntarily.
- Proposals that best relate to current issues in the provider community will be reviewed for selection.
- Webinar submissions must be completed with all required documentation/information.
- Acceptance of a proposal is based on the content and the presenters named at the time of submission. Any changes to content or speakers must be conveyed to CIM PD officer in advance. CIM reserves the right to reassess suitability.
- The distribution and sale of materials and touting of commercial ventures which may personally or financially benefit the speakers is not permitted within the context of the presentation.
- If selected, webinar presenters will abide by the timeline set by CIM and meet all deadlines to the best of their ability.
- List of documents needed include:
- Presenters Information (Full Name, Title, Company & Credentials), and a brief biography
- Webinar’s abstract, Description, Objectives.
If you have any questions, please contact