

Quebec Branch

The Québec City branch consists of students, geologists, engineers, civil servants, employees from junior mining companies based in Québec City, research scientists and retirees. There are about 250 national members and local members.

The primary focus of the branch is to recruit students and to get them to know CIM, in the hope that they join CIM when they are working in small mining communities, once they graduate.

A professor from Laval University sits on the branch's executive committee. With close ties to the University, the branch recognizes the importance of encouraging the involvement of the youth that will be tomorrow’s industry leaders.

The branch offers financial assistance to four students associations for their activities. They are required to prepare a budget for the chosen activity and to submit a final expense report after the activity is held.

Each year’s calendar is planned in May and adjusted in September. Five technical meetings are held each year. Four of them feature talks by industry personnel, mostly from Québec.

Due to the diversity of professions represented in the membership body, the topics of the technical meetings vary in an attempt to serve everyone’s interests. Each year, the branch executive committee works to cover topics in exploration, mining and metallurgy. An average of 30 to 35 members attend the meetings and gather for lunch (sponsored by four companies), drinks and discussion afterwards.

The other technical meeting is the student lecturers’ competition, for which every lecturer will be granted a scholarship. This features four presentations by students about their research projects or summer work.

Along with the five technical meetings, the branch hosts two to three social events, such as dinners and golf tournaments, as well as the beer and pizza recruiting activity at Laval University, and other special events. These activities attract from 40 to 90 people.

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Member Spotlight

Jeff Cassoff, Senior mining engineer and team leader


I've been with CIM since I was a student. CIM keeps me connected with the industry and my colleagues and up to speed on new developments. I'm very proud to be part of CIM.