

Rouyn-Noranda Branch

Mining Week, each May, is always a busy time for the Rouyn-Noranda branch of CIM. Branch members work throughout the week to promote the mining industry and to educate the public about mining. They organize an exhibition at the local shopping mall and host visits to mines, smelters and manufacturers. Branch members give presentations at local high schools about the industry’s importance to the area. Placemats are distributed to local restaurants advertising the week’s activities including information on mining. Mining Week is a joint venture of the branch, the local Association des Prospecteurs du Québec and the Ministre des Ressources naturelles du Québec.

The branch's centennial project, started in 1998, was the creation of a geological garden, on the grounds of the local botanical garden, Au fleur de l'eau. The permanent exhibit features about fifteen two- to four-ton blocks of the area’s indigenous minerals accompanied by information panels.

The branch has a full annual program. The branch has technical conferences about every two months, from September through May. The highlight of the year is an Oyster Party in early November. A curling tournament in February is also popular.

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Member Spotlight

Jeff Cassoff, Senior mining engineer and team leader


I've been with CIM since I was a student. CIM keeps me connected with the industry and my colleagues and up to speed on new developments. I'm very proud to be part of CIM.