Management & Economics Society (MES)


The Management & Economics Society of CIM (MES)

In addition to its traditional membership of those involved in the economics and finance of mining, the Management and Economics Society of CIM (MES) was expanded to encompass members contributing to all aspects of the management of companies active in the mining sector. MES sponsors various events throughout the year in Toronto, Vancouver, and Hong Kong that provide industry professionals with the opportunity to share experiences, insights and ideas on topics relating to the economic, management and financial aspects of the business.

A diverse group of individuals are at the heart of our society, including managers, mining financial consultants, CEOs and COOs, university academics, as well as mine engineers, geological engineers and geologists. MES provides a home within the CIM organization for mineral industry professionals whose focus is mineral economics and management. Members are from all areas of professional endeavor, including: geology, engineering, metallurgy, environmental, law, accounting, taxation, banking, investments, governmental, academia, human resources, social development, consultancy, insurance and many more. All are welcome!

Since the very beginning, MES has raised funds to support the academic teaching of mineral economics and, as a result, has supported many undergraduate programs at various Canadian universities. This has been achieved through hosting a series of stand-alone symposia in Toronto, including Rocks & Stocks (organized annually in collaboration with the CIM Toronto Branch), and through the always-popular Management and Finance Day at the annual CIM Convention. MES also hosts seminar-style presentations through its Mineral Economics Discussion Groups in Toronto, Vancouver and Hong Kong, and, also with CIM branches throughout Canada.

Contact Us: Carlos da Costa (Chair, CIM MES) at

To learn more about MES, please visit

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Member Spotlight

Jason Belanger

Senior Manager, Safety & Health, Potash

For me, the most valuable part of CIM and being a member is its ability to gather people together. It’s a conduit for knowledge sharing. I truly believe that getting people in a room and being able to talk about the challenges in the industry is hugely impactful.