Society for Rock Engineering (RES)


The Rock Engineering Society of CIM (RES)

In November 2004 the Council of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) recognized and welcomed the Society for Rock Engineering as a constituent society of the Institute.

The Society for Rock Engineering traces its origins to 1984 when the Rock Mechanics Committee of the CIM was formed by members of the metal mining, coal mining and geology divisions.

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The last 25 years found a large number of volunteers from the Rock Mechanics community working towards developing and disseminating information and knowledge through workshops, technical meetings and the work of ad hoc sub committees.

The priorities of the Society for Rock Engineering have evolved in response to the needs of the industry, and the interests of its members, and have included backfill, instrumentation, rock support, rock bursts, soft rock etc.

The Rock Mechanics Committee has sponsored technical volumes on support, monitoring and backfill, and worked closely with the Canadian Geotechnical Society to represent Canada in the International Society for Rock Mechanics.

The Society for Rock Engineering’s mission is to:

  • Promote and encourage research in rock engineering
  • Facilitate information exchange
  • Promote knowledge sharing
  • Encourage technology transfer among industry players
  • Serve as a bridge into other industries, learning from their experience and insight
  • Support the organization of conferences seminars and training session in rock engineering
  • Recognize excellence in rock engineering in the mining industry

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Rock Mechanics in Canada – RES, RMD and CARMA

CIM's Rock Engineer Society (RES) is the Canadian mining based group promoting research, technical advances and the sharing of information in rock mechanics.

The Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS), through their Rock Mechanics Division (RMD), also promotes research, technical advances and the sharing of rock mechanics information, in civil engineering areas, as well as mining.

ISRM - CARMA Membership ($30 RMC / ISRM Membership)

As a member of RES or CGS, you are eligible to join the Canadian Rock Mechanics Association (CARMA) and the International Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM). Membership to CARMA provides access to many of the Canadian Rock Mechanics Symposium papers, as well as to the International Society of Rock Mechanics, their publications, as well as access to OnePetro, which also is a significant source of rock mechanics literature.  

CARMA and the RES both provided funding for the highly successful Canadian Rock Mechanics Symposia, including the 22nd Canadian Rock Mechanics Symposium held in Kingston in 2022. 


Please note that you must be signed in to purchase an ISRM membership.


CGS and Rock Mechanics Division




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Member Spotlight

Gord Winkel

Professor and Director
University of Alberta

CIM and its vision and mission fosters a kind of collaboration, an ultimate collaboration where we can get together and have our best minds working on what the future might hold for mining and how we can be more effective.