Regional Mine Safety Technology


Regional Mine Safety Technology



Nutrien, Lanigan Potash

The Nutrien Lanigan Potash operation is located 110 km east of Saskatoon, SK. It comprises mostly underground chevron mining and hoisting, as well as surface refining operations necessary for producing three grades of potash, ready for use as fertilizer. Mining occurs approximately 1,000 m (3,200 ft) below ground. Our design capacity allows us to produce up to 3.8 million tonnes of potash per year, and we currently employ around 625 employees. 

Nutrien plays a critical role in feeding the future and we take this responsibility very seriously. As the largest global provider of crop inputs and services, we are helping growers around the world sustainably increase food production.  We are committed to safety, our customers, shareholders, communities and employees.


Pan American Silver, Timmins West Mine

Lake Shore Gold, a subsidiary of Pan American Silver’s Timmins West Mine (TWM), is an underground gold mine located 18 kilometres west of Timmins, Ontario. The TWM includes three gold deposits: the Timmins Deposit, the Thunder Creek Deposit, and the 144 Gap Deposit. The primary access to the underground workings is via a concrete-lined shaft and a portal/ramp from surface. The primary mining methods include transverse and longitudinal longhole stoping. Stopes are backfilled using both pastefill and unconsolidated development waste. Ore is hoisted to surface via shaft and by truck to the ore stockpile, where it is loaded into over-the-road trucks for haulage to the Bell Creek mill, located 56 kilometres away from TWM. Safety is the golden priority at TWM and is fundamental to what they do. The mine strives for continuous improvement and that their safety strategy is maintained as a core value of their operation.